NOTE: Please accept our sincere apologies if you applied to Join Us during 2024, and did not hear back. A website issue meant we were unable to receive applications. The issue has been fixed now and we encourage you to re-apply using the form on this page. 

London Borough of Sutton Neighbourhood Watch Association Registered Charity No. 1120448

I apply to become a member of the London Borough of Sutton Neighbourhood Watch Association and undertake to give whatever support I am able to achieve its’ objectives.

I am 18 years of age or older and to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, I give permission for my details to be held on the understanding that the information will only be used to achieve the objectives of Sutton Neighbourhood Watch in partnership with the Metropolitan Police and will not be disclosed to third parties.

I agree to respect and preserve the confidentiality of any information used by me in any activities I undertake on behalf of Neighbourhood Watch.

Whilst we very rarely have need to telephone our members, it is a useful facility in case of necessity or when we are unable to make contact by email.

Email is our primary method of communication, in sending out notices and getting important information about local crime to our members. With such a large membership, any other method is simply not affordable.